Some have said that the origin for the slang term stems from Miki's wooden expression during his appearance in news reports about him.
Despite common misconception, the origin of the town names does not stem from an early 18th-century bishop who built his country residence there.
Its origin stems from the traditional way of holding a Japanese sword.
Here in the West our origins stem from ancient Greece and Rome.
The origin of its name stems from this fact, as in Breton it means: rock on the Bô.
And from this stems the origin of ethical systems governing behaviour.
The origins of linear programming algorithms stem from George Dantzig's early work in the 1940s and 1950s.
Its actual origin is lost in antiquity but probably stems from corded herding stock.
The song's origins stem from the Yé-yé movement with which an early version of the song was associated.
The origins of this sign may stem from the hand gesture holding a bottle's head while drinking.