A major question now, however, is whether a network should be organized solely around desktop computers or whether it should include a mainframe or a minicomputer, perhaps as the network's central player.
The conference is organized and run solely by volunteers, in accordance with the non-commercial, community-centred nature of the event.
Book Club Student clubs are, much of the time, solely organized and established based on student interest and support, therefore providing opportunities for student leadership.
Subsequent events have been organized and produced solely by Soochan.
After much deliberation, it was decided that the 1994 CMWC would still take place in London, though now it would be organized solely by cycle messengers.
Before this date all the SF meetings were organized solely by Austria.
TF-88 was organized solely to conduct Operation Argus.
Umang is organized and managed solely by the students of Narsee Monjee College.
The Centennial Tournament is not counted with the other Acropolis Tournaments because it was not solely organized by the Greek Basketball Federation.
It is not counted officially with the other 23 Acropolis Tournaments because it was not solely organized by the Greek Basketball Federation.