Later in January, Human Rights Watch accused "ODM politicians and local leaders" of organizing, instigating and facilitating violence against Kikuyus.
Many say slum landlords have organized violence in some areas to clear oout squatters and unwanted tenants.
He was sentenced to ten years imprisonment for organising violence.
In Italy, where television was also a state monopoly, pirate radio stations were used by far-left revolutionary groups to create a counterculture and even to help organize political violence.
The first demonstration of their ability to organize violence within the Valley, prompting curfews at night for the next several days.
Israeli officials defend the practice as necessary to prevent militant Palestinian groups from organizing anti-Israeli violence.
Some of them were ready and prepared to fight and die for the prize, even as those who organized "revolutionary violence" insist they kept the details from Mr. Kostunica.
The Anti-Defamation League also criticized the JBAKC, claiming that the organization "actually promotes racism and advocates organized violence."
The Group's tactics consisted of direct action against those groups it believed were organising violence against minority groups, which sometimes resulted in violent confrontations.
The Communist Party of Finland was declared illegal in 1931, and the Lapua Movement organised anti-communist violence, which culminated in a failed uprising in 1932.