They were sent out into the San Gabriel Valley towns to organize new troops and recruit leaders.
Hamilton helped General Burgoyne organize troops for his campaign to divide the rebellious provinces.
During the siege on Sable Mine, he is able to identify the "devil's water" that bubbles nearby the city and Diamond has him organize troops.
Then, most likely, you'll be sent into the field to organize other troops.
The Chartered Organizations organize the packs and troops.
That man was organizing troops and giving orders.
The fort was also used to organize and muster troops from the first state.
When all the U.S. aircraft had been destroyed by hostile fire, he organized remaining troops into a beach defense unit which repulsed repeated Japanese attacks.
He made his headquarters at Goldsboro in September and there organized troops and prepared for the defense of the area.
They did it, alliance leaders said, with help from some 15 American advisers who organized troops and helped plan the attacks.