Flanigan said the course taught him invaluable skills, including organizing his philosophies and strategies into a succinct package.
While in detention the nationalists became more organised and crafted strategies of fighting white domination in Rhodesia.
Marshall Ganz returned to California and worked for many years on the staff of the United Farm Workers, later taught organizing strategies, and in 2008 played a crucial role in organizing Barack Obama's field staff for the campaign.
The power of cities to organise and initiate specific strategies within carbon governance has been underestimated yet displays enormous potential.
So we set up the page like a playbook, organizing strategies on either side of the main chart to highlight some of the most popular and unusual ads.
It discusses and approves policy resolutions submitted by locals and regions, on matters ranging from the union's bargaining and organizing strategies to domestic and foreign policy issues.
While serving with the union in California, she helped pioneer SEIU's use of card check agreements, non-traditional collective bargaining agreements, comprehensive campaigns, and system-wide health care organizing strategies.
They assist endorsed candidates with media, fundraising, and grassroots organizing strategies and campaign to educate voters about candidates' environmental records.
The media and entertainment conglomerates began organizing corporate strategies of defence.
There are examples where community organizing groups and legal strategies have worked together well, however, including the Williams v. California lawsuit over inequality in k-12 education.