When this occurred it was the duty of the Forester to organize armed gangs to capture the criminal.
Task forces typically focus on terrorism, organized crime, narcotics, gangs, bank robberies, kidnapping, and motor vehicle theft.
The police identified 62 organized criminal gangs in Berlin, called Ringvereine.
Now the police face slick, organized, well-armed gangs that operate with all the truculence of their parent groups in Los Angeles and other American cities.
He began to organize Fascist gangs and formed his own group nicknamed Celibano, after their favorite drink.
One - the man with the lantern - was Hurley Brewster, a dock-walloper, who had abandoned a safe-blowing career to organize gangs of mobsters.
Akao was director of the league, which organised gangs of strike breakers and in 1928 bombed the soviet embassy.
So it's impossible to organize gangs in prisons.
"Yes, we have organized gangs in Japan, but like everything else in our society there are set rules and parameters to keep the wa, or harmony."
Prominent crime figures have already escaped from prisons and organize gangs effectively taking control of many areas.