Until workers can freely organize to defend their interests, there is no reason to expect that this trend will not continue.
Lacking human rights, Chinese workers cannot freely organize and so price their labor at its real economic value to Chinese firms.
The ability to organize freely, apart from the institutions of government and religion, was a fundamental part of the establishment of the modern world.
Martial law is still in force, and political parties have been unable to organize freely.
This order ostensibly did not rescind traditional workers' rights, such as the right to organize freely, to strike, and to bargain collectively over wages and working conditions.
But today all those grappling with such problems can vote, can speak, write and organize freely, and are fully equal before the law.
People cannot speak and organize freely in some parts of the country.
Most United States companies like Nike have codes of conduct that support the right of workers to freely organize.
Political parties are allowed to organize freely and elections have been free and fair.
Cambodia's past development success - social and economic - would never have happened if the opportunities to freely organise and express opinions had been curtailed.