The PIAR organized rural farmers and industrial workers, using Williams' skills as a minister to reach workers through their religious beliefs.
As part of its agrarian reform, the government placed heavy emphasis on organizing farmers into collectives for agricultural development.
"Women have been the ones to confront the situation," said Denise A. O'Brien, who farms with her husband in western Iowa and organizes farmers for Prairiefire.
In 1931, Ware set to work in earnest on organizing farmers and farm-workers in America.
The party, despite its nominal support for a separate black nation, attempted to transcend color barriers in organizing workers, farmers and the unemployed.
After the Autumn Harvest Uprising he organized local farmers in Queshan into a Revolutionary Armed Force unit.
Other Catholic groups have sprouted to organize farmers and professionals and to deal with human rights issues and problems of the elderly.
These included investing his profits made from I Chose Freedom into an attempt to organize poor farmers into new collectives.
When Davitt returned to County Mayo, he was impressed by the Fenians' attempts to organise farmers.
He was instrumental in organising farmers and labourers movements and was also a leading figure in the Punnapra Vayalar struggle.