For many audiences it is the primary and optimal way to organize and deliver content.
Interest labels are simple, quick and saves time by organizing content from a variety of social sources into manageable buckets of information.
Wadja can organize real time conversations and social content under customized "label" tags.
Users are free to add to this collection, tag items of interest, and organize content into personal, shareable folders.
The site is built using the Open Social platform-giving its members the ability to organize and share their own events and content.
Recently launched a revamp of its user interface and has local content organized around 20 cities in India.
Other rules may also be imposed to organize content.
Podio supplies a web-based platform for organizing team communication, business processes, data and content in project management workspaces.
The information architect's job, Mr. Furness said, is to organize the structure and content of all the material on a Web site.
The use of categorization to organize content has been described as a combination of: