The organizers were criticized for being poorly prepared for bad weather, and for not organising enough buses to link the site to the nearest train station.
Trondheim Sporvei contacted Oslo Sporveier and Bergen Sporvei to organize renting buses.
Bord Bia organise buses as an incentive for members of the general public to make use of public transport.
The R.S.S., among other religious groups, stepped in to organize cars, buses and trucks to carry relatives and bodies.
A week after the fire ravaged the town, provincial officials organized buses from the evacuation centres to allow residents to tour the damage.
She is even helping to organize buses to shuttle spectators to Southampton village during the tournament.
In the middle of the 1950s, public transport was organized, buses carrying 24,000 passengers each day.
The school also organises late buses for pupils who stay behind after the normal school day for activities.
Mr. Dole organized buses from points across the Midwest.