Government or political science scholars dominated what would become the public side of organizational theory.
She authored many books in the fields of organizational theory, political science, and public administration.
Benveniste's contributions to organizational theory included Bureaucracy, published in 1977 and subsequent volumes.
He has also published over 150 papers in the areas of human-computer interaction, statistical methodology, and organizational theory.
Within the fields of strategic management and organizational theory, an organization's environment is considered to be the notional space in which organizations exist.
These works are widely considered seminal to the development of the new institutionalism within organizational theory.
The interdisciplinary journal also contains work in organizational theory, and informative book reviews.
To achieve this, the learning organization needs mechanisms for locating and assessing organizational theories of action.
His research focuses on organizational theory, processes of change and education in working life.
The systems framework is also fundamental to organizational theory as organizations are complex dynamic goal-oriented processes.