The IT and (if possible) organizational requirements that were made should be tested.
The redefined IT and organizational requirements are being transferred into measurable components.
The officers, the board members, and other organizational requirements were carried out at the 1970 National Indian Education Association Conference.
Likewise, by making the building out of the organizational requirements, Mr. Koolhaas prevents them from interfering with his architecture.
Teams must meet certain organizational requirements and pay annual fees to the NFF.
But the advent of skyscrapers - with their huge budgets and complicated organizational requirements - opened the way for more sophisticated techniques.
The religion makes no provision for members to criticize or contribute to official teachings and all Witnesses must abide by its doctrines and organizational requirements.
Grottos are required to meet certain organizational requirements as outlined by the National Speleological Society.
These patent-pending applications represent an industry shift in the way organizational requirements are identified, scoped, and addressed.
Generally, senators give more notice because of the fund-raising and organizational requirements for those in their party who might seek the seats.