In organizational aspect, it is defined as an ability to recuperate from stress, conflict, failure, change or increase in responsibility.
The organizational aspect of scrapbooking is another strong selling point, according to retailers and enthusiasts.
Cole was very involved in the organizational aspects of philately.
There is a lot of thing to be done as in organizational aspect so in the forming of the organization's image.
Managerial systems that may help the organizational and behavior aspects of the company may prove to be highly beneficial to emerging companies.
You fill in a lot of the time by dealing with the organizational aspects.
In the early 1920s, working class women sought increased control over the administration and organizational aspects of the sports they played, including hockey.
Students also take care of the organizational and decision-making aspects of the project.
Journalism studies take into account many levels of analysis including individual, organizational, societal and cultural aspects.
Improving the quality of artistic and organizational aspects of member bands.