Given the financial and organizational advantages of the Bush campaign, aides said they were still confident that he would win the nomination.
They "possessed tremendous ecological, technological and organizational advantages."
Project 16A identified the organizational advantages that would accrue from assigning individual unit addresses and adding an additional "group" address element.
But almost all the other Democrats have financial and organizational advantages over General Clark.
This head start gave Sarbanes a considerable organizational and monetary advantage, and he had already secured influential endorsements.
Eventually organizations, particularly navies, realized the collection of this individualized knowledge and distribution to their members gave an organizational advantage.
But Mr. Bradley may need more than that to overcome the vice president's many organizational advantages, they say.
However, the organizational advantages of being able to sample at a regular interval are so considerable that such anxieties are often set aside.
He has built his tightly disciplined, loyal group along Leninist lines, giving him an organizational advantage over the other parties.
He hopes, he added, to counter his opponent's monetary and organizational advantages with sweat and grassroots engagement.