The organization even military trained a small group of his members not heavily armed.
Today, the organization employs over 25,000 full-time missionaries and has trained 225,000 volunteers around the world.
Since 1950 the organisation has trained nurses, and in 1992 men were allowed to join.
These and other organizations train professionals to offer business coaching to business owners.
Since its establishment, the organization has trained 1,200 civil servants and published 17 training manuals into four national languages.
In the same year, 8 of 12 school board candidates that the organization trained in Oklahoma were elected.
The Moro group has long denied that it allows terrorist organizations train there.
The organization also trains providers to care for women suffering complications of unsafe abortions.
The organization has been training service dogs for the disabled since 1976.
The organization trained young people in various aspects of government service.