No organisation can replace him, and without him no new industry of any consequence can come to life.
- Many organizations replaced difficult-to-maintain, inflexible, or outmoded spreadsheets and homegrown financial applications.
Mr. Schultz said the organization would probably replace only a few of the executives.
The region was dissolved in 1968, when a new administrative organization of the country (still in effect today) replaced regions with counties.
Additionally, the organization replaced a visual aid machine for a local student and gave a grant to a grade school band to purchase brand new instruments.
After the 1994 tornado in Cross Plains, the organization replaced damaged trees and repaired damage to the property.
This organization should gradually replace the bureaucratic apparatus and form the relations in the educational sphere on the basis of equal rights, direct democracy and cooperation.
Removing one bad actor is a fine thing, but it's useless when the organization will replace him with someone who will make the same decisions.
However Angel's organisation kidnap Vine and replace him with one of their own men named Seraph.
"But it does exist - until a new organization replaces it."