The organization invests the proceeds from the whistle sales in Congolese visionaries, and are building a global coalition for peace.
The organization is investing more than half a million dollars to renovate the Majestic specifically for the show, but has not been allowed to sell tickets.
Palestinian terrorist organizations invest great resources in recruiting young men and young women for their jihad.
One commercial uses a stylistic trick to make a point about how much money the organization has invested in improving operations.
Since 1983, the organization has invested $9.8 billion.
The Italian government and some other organizations have invested €4.9 billion since 1998.
The reason people and organizations have invested so much in beauty over the years is that beauty pays off.
Often, organisations do not invest the appropriate amount of time and effort in developing managers' communications skills.
In Kyrgyzstan international organisations have invested over $400 million to rehabilitate 1,600km of roads between 1995 and 2008.
The organization invested about $3,000 to set up the site, in addition to "hundreds of hours of staff time."