Leagues are international organizations composed of states coming together for a single common purpose.
We, as a civic organization composed of 1,000 families, have been advocating and promoting water conservation measures for the last few years within our community.
It is an educational organization composed of girls, children, youth and adults.
This was a medieval organisation composed by aristocrats and bishops.
It is a voluntary organization composed of academics, unionists, and persons interested in labor history.
It is a mutual organization or benefit society composed of a body of people who join together for a common financial or social purpose.
This is a non-profit organization composed by some undergraduate students.
The Ring is a larger organization composed of many other groups, in addition to its own cells.
The model is often characterized as being a local and transparent organization composed of delegates bound by mandates.
Since 2007, numerous civic organizations composed of young, determined people have sprung up.