The organization categorizes its work into eight action areas, as described in the following subsections.
The organisation had categorized some climbs as either first, second, third, or fourth-category; points for this classification were won by the first cyclists that reached the top of these climbs first, with more points available for the higher-categorized climbs.
In a nutshell, strategic information management helps businesses and organizations categorize, store, process and transfer the information they create and receive.
One Canadian organization categorizes children's rights into three categories:
The organisation has categorised hotels and guest houses on a scale of 1-4 according to the level of accessibility for guests with mobility difficulties, category 1 offering the best access.
Several prominent individuals, organizations, and scholars writing on the subject of antisemitism categorize the BDS movement as antisemitic.
This table lists for each license what organizations from the free software community have approved it - be it as a "free software" or as an "open source" license - and how those organizations categorize it.
The organisation had categorized some climbs into categories; points for this classification were won by the first cyclists that reached the top of these climbs first.