The organisation campaigned against newspapers' treatment of the Paedophile activist groups.
In only a few cities have United Way locals and his organization campaigned side-by-side.
This organization campaigned for the improvement of proletarian women's lives.
During the last year the organization has campaigned against the ongoing reform of education; efforts are made to found the independent trade unions.
Environmental and civic organizations are campaigning vigorously for the transfer tax's extension to 2020.
Since 2003, some Székely organizations have been campaigning for the city to become the center of an autonomous region again.
Quite rightly individuals and organisations have campaigned for years to highlight this fact.
That's why nearly 1,000 organizations nationwide are campaigning for a national housing trust fund.
Water - The organization has campaigned to create awareness about the challenges of water quality and quantity management in the planet.
The organization campaigned for equality for women and for recognition of women's needs.