But some organizations argue that passing out free needles to drug users encourages the wrong behavior.
National gratitude is no reason for shielding them from justice" the organization argued in a press release.
Environmental organizations have argued that the court gave the administration much more leeway than that.
The teachers, organisations argue, quite rightly, that teaching is becoming ever more demanding.
Women's organizations here argued that in some cases, abortion is a woman's only recourse when family planning services are not available.
The organization argues in favor of the line-item veto for the president.
The organization argues that promoting animal research leads to improved human and veterinary health.
After the initial adoption of the Convention, some least developed countries and environmental organizations argued that it did not go far enough.
The organization argued that labour unions should actively engage in political struggles.
Animal-rights organizations argue that the best way to control the population is to let nature take its course.