The Fuzzy Front End ends when an organization approves and begins formal development of the concept.
The organization, which includes about 1,200 women, unanimously approved the change during its national convention in Dallas.
Along with accreditation, both organizations approve NBC's online program delivery system.
Some organisations approve public copyright licenses that meet certain criteria.
And organizations generally approved of what they practiced.
The organization, which helps race directors buy liability insurance and keeps national standings and rankings, will approve more than 300 races this year.
As of March 2013 the following organizations approve individual programs:
The sanctioning organization usually reviews and approves the courses to ensure that they meet the organization's guidelines.
Humanitarian organisations, including UN agencies, which also bring goods into Gaza have their items approved or rejected on "a case-by-case basis".
It has been a joy to see that employers' organisations have also actually approved this idea.