Provides an organisational model for assigning responsibility to create and maintain data as a collaborative process involving distributed stakeholders.
In spite of the failure of the Blanquist insurrection, its organisational model left a lasting impression on Schapper's mind.
Despite being one of the largest Portuguese state universities, the UTL has always adopted a decentralised organisational model.
The main official reason given was that "the funding mechanism of such an organisational model [was] not suitable in current circumstances".
This article proposes an organisational model for integrating primary and secondary care which retains the advantages of fundholding while giving management control over overall strategy.
The new communication technologies represent a critical instrument to obtain consensus and as a result they are transforming the organisational models of the State and of politics.
However, the debate we have had, principally from that side of the House, has mainly been concerned with organisational models and protectionism.
I reject out of hand a limitation of the choice between the various organisational models.
That, moreover, is the approach consistently taken in relation to comitology, which cannot require Member States with different administrative practices to adopt a single organisational model.
We should reward organisational models that recognise environmental, human and financial capital.