Hence the prophet prophesies of a definite future arising out of and organically connected with the present.
When he dived into the audience to scrap with fans, his pugnaciousness seemed organically connected with the music.
Hence the Alexandrists denied the possibility of any form of immortality, holding that, since the soul is organically connected with the body, the dissolution of the latter involves the extinction of the former.
He also believed that cooperatives did not need to be autarkic, but rather "organically connected, through the process of production itself, with other cooperatives and with the state economic sector."
Carnegie and CAMI stand on opposite sides of the street, but their fortunes are organically connected, like the fingers of a hand scratching a back.
But except for a few recurring cello figures, the speech and the music are less organically connected here than in "John Somebody."
Part Art Methods 101, part Advanced Connoisseurship, this handsome, thoughtful show examines the potent connection between matter and meaning in diverse African cultures and shows them to be organically connected.
Mr. Asnes has some trouble making the movement look organically connected in his solo, but his standoff with Mr. Corbin has a fine intensity.
Zorn has stated: "All the various styles are organically connected to one another.
The stoas and portico are connected to each other organically and in the area carved from the rock, the broken surfaces were renovated with local limestones.