Gypsy Moth, has the ability to fly and manipulate various organic objects.
I take found objects and stuff people throw away, like old cell phones, and combine that with organic objects to make jewelry.
In the destruction of Herculaneum by a volcano, many organic objects such as furniture were carbonized by the intense heat.
I had seen clouds which resembled organic objects.
Acropora, a procedural 3D modeling software utilizing voxels to create organic objects and terrain.
The landscape mimics the curves of the woman's body and this, in turn, relates the human body back to being a natural, organic object.
Like any organic object, it degrades over time.
There are a few ways an organic object can become preserved way beyond the normal time it takes for similar material to normally decompose.
I am exposing an organic object to the influence of a sinister alien liquid.
"The organic object wouldn't be your hand, would it, missy?"