The camerae (chambers) of the phragmocone (chambered portion) likewise have organic deposits that are typically retarded or sparse.
This massive organic deposit later became heated and transformed under pressure into oil.
The siphuncle is between the center and the venter, and is empty of organic deposits with segments expanded into the chambers.
A stone foundation might impede the flow of electricity, while the organic deposits within a midden might conduct electricity more easily than surrounding soils.
Breaks up and bleaches organic deposits .
Chambers have organic deposits of calcite which provide counterbalance.
Here, organic deposits created by vegatation have largely kept pace with the steady rise in water level, and today supports extensive market gardening.
Camerae, which are generally short, are commonly filled with organic deposits.
The siphuncle is ventral, tubular, free of organic deposits.
One was retrieved from the uppermost carbonized organic deposit and was separated from the rest of the ritual by a marl cap.