Partly as a result, the price premium for organic crops is shrinking.
And many organic crops require periodic weeding by hand or other labor-intensive care.
With a working protein resequencer, they might even be able to convert the raw organic crops into a viable diet.
In addition, evolving studies link organic crops with higher nutritional levels than those produced by non-organic means.
Farmers, especially those raising organic crops, worry that they will lose sales from what they call contamination.
The organic matter is a natural fertilizer which provides sufficient plant nutrition for the organic crops.
In the 1970s as the organic movement developed, "organic" crop improvement associations were formed.
Copper pesticides remains in use on organic crops.
It applies only to organic crops, not synthetic materials, and is limited to minor ingredients (5 percent or less) within a product.
Within a few years, then, all organic and non-organic crops will be contaminated.