Even without incidents like this, ore production has gone down every year for the past five years.
After the 1970s, ore production declined rapidly as did the city's population.
Three main minerals make up most of the ore production in the Silver Valley.
By the 1849s lead ore production was decreasing.
But I am getting pressure about the decreased ore production.
In 1984 conventional ore production was finally stopped and only unconventional methods were used from this year on.
By 1912, ore production had dropped to $5 million and the largest mining company left town in 1919.
Development and ore production occurred at the Kensington mine site from 1897 through 1938.
According to the company, the resumption of ore production will improve overall water levels and site water management.
The development of this mine started in 1988 and first ore production being in March 1991.