Such sounds, however, needed to carry some startling feature that would make them differ from ordinary noises.
On one level, the 'notes' of his song were bits of ordinary noises from everyday life.
Sandwiched between garbage collection and the recycling trucks were ordinary nighttime noises.
The ordinary noises outside had diminished, for a moment almost ceased.
That unpleasant but very ordinary noise was suddenly joined by others.
The roar of its bursting was more a blow against the ears than an ordinary noise.
That scope of yours shows a hundred times the ordinary noise you expected, john.
He commenced to feel a little foolish as the ordinary noises of the jungle were unbroken by any that might suggest a menace to him.
I could hear the sounds of men walking the deck above us, the common ordinary noises that one hears aboard a ship at anchor.
Shouts from outside reached into the room when the door opened, the ordinary noise of the gym.