In conversations around the city, ordinary Muscovites, and young people in particular, stressed that any benefits from the changes in Germany could not come fast enough to this demoralized nation.
Several people seemed to think the question of lost prestige from the Communist turmoil was one mainly for the Kremlin, not the ordinary Muscovite.
The cost is 1 ruble (about $1.60) if you stand in line with ordinary Muscovites for at least an hour.
By seizing 700 ordinary Muscovites, they have made it tellingly clear that the war can touch civilians as well as soldiers, and kill hundreds in one stroke, not just handfuls.
Something close to political mourning was expressed by ordinary Muscovites in interviews conducted through an interpreter.
Millionaire Made in Hour The sellers often are ordinary Muscovites ready to retire or move to the country and less expensive housing.
It is less elastic than ordinary muscovite.
Among ordinary Muscovites who have not seen much of Mr. Reagan, the response is warm and vague.
Before long, word spread of the Red Square find, and ordinary Muscovites were dropping by, offering to volunteer in the archeological dig.
On the anniversary of the October Revolution, on 7 November 1941 Joseph Stalin addressed a mass assembly of party leaders and ordinary Muscovites in the central hall of the station.