But the demands made in testimony from ordinary Kenyans before the commission was more far reaching than the Government expected.
During the fund raising walk across East Africa, Werikhe never carried money but relied on the goodwill of the ordinary Kenyans living in the bush to feed and shelter him.
"A president should prove himself by things he's going to do that change the life of ordinary Kenyans, not by naming every street and every corner."
After that, they will take in $1.60 per kilometer, significantly more than ordinary Kenyans can claim as deductions on their tax forms.
His official biography says that one of his weaknesses is that he is regarded as aloof by ordinary Kenyans.
While the white population is by no means loved by ordinary Kenyans, there appears to be far more resentment against the government.
"For the first time ordinary Kenyans and not just university students are coming out and protesting."
Ringed by security personnel, he said he was disappointed, accused lawmakers of not acting in the best interests of ordinary Kenyans, and vowed to fight corruption even without the authority.
News commentators, Government officials and ordinary Kenyans call the matatus by other names, the more charitable of which include "messengers of death" and "killer disease."
Only if development goes hand in hand with conservation, he says, will ordinary Kenyans have a stake in preserving wildlife.