These films, which are often set in the countryside, do not speak to ordinary Iranians.
Sadly, ordinary Iranians will get caught up in it all, but that is the way it always has been.
The revoultion has brough many suffering for the ordinary Iranians while making bunch of men with beard very rich over night.
For the reformers, the victory brought home how out of touch with ordinary Iranians many of them had become.
In his two interviews broadcast last week on the state-run television, he offered simple solutions to the problems of some ordinary Iranians.
If some Americans still find it hard to put the traumas of the past behind them, most ordinary Iranians seem to have done so.
There are international economic sanctions, which hurt ordinary Iranians and risk creating a nationalist backlash.
But for many ordinary Iranians, the jewels are an important part of their past.
The sunny spin, from ordinary Iranians: 1) There are no hard feelings.
One area that matters greatly to ordinary Iranians is the economy.