He was obviously resentful at this unexpected intrusion upon his orderly routine.
Hard work, orderly routine, and humiliation have shown us the meaninglessness of the lives we led before.
Several minutes ticked away, and the quiet, orderly routine of her bridge murmured to her like some soothing mantra.
"I always had divine order in my life," she said, and she thought getting treatment would follow an orderly routine as well.
The orderly routines of an H.M.O. doctor seemed apropos to the life she imagined for herself.
But the orderly routine of the house--inexorable as death--pursued its appointed course.
A man who loathed any disruption of his orderly routine.
The high turnover among the inmates and the officers requires constant retraining just to maintain an orderly daily routine.
He could not well picture to himself how the same thing looked in normal circumstances, as part of an orderly routine.
Occupation, then, need never be wanting, and the daily round of labor could go on in orderly routine.