He ordered workers to redo two windows, because he wanted them to be arched and one, inexplicably, was not.
Many were ordering workers to take unpaid leave, and some were actually laying off staff members.
He announced an election, scheduled for 23 June, and ordered workers to return to work, threatening to institute a state of emergency if they did not.
In response, President Aushev ordered poll workers to stay home and the election did not occur.
He ordered workers to return to work, threatening to institute a state of emergency if they did not.
Upon learning of the murder, police ordered workers to excavate the tunnel's fill in order to find the victim's body.
The judge declined to revoke the telephone privileges but ordered workers supervising the visits to make sure the children did not speak to their mother.
Officials ordered workers to paint slogans on village walls telling farmers to obey the government.
She said she would order child-welfare workers to take the woman's baby when it is born.
The city ordered the masonry repaired and workers to finish erecting the scaffolding.