What is clear is that the way we order and make weapons is a powerful disincentive to efficiency and competitiveness in our economy.
Qin Shi Huang ordered weapons, and probably armour too, to be destroyed by fire.
Instead there were various beings in disordered dress who held carefully ordered weapons commanding all avenues of escape.
But, seeing Germany overrun, he finally orders the use of Us tactical nuclear weapons if a political solution is not agreed rapidly.
They ordered weapons from the Helicon machine shops-not modern ones, but simple nomad implements.
Some of the customers stopped ordering armor and weapons.
"You want weapons that work, but at times you order weapons that you're not sure will work in the hope that they will."
I failed to order weapons armed upon entry into the neutral zone.
The astroengineering companies should welcome the work now I've stopped ordering weapons for the SD network.
During the cold war, Mr. Saleh ordered Soviet weapons while he tilted politically toward Washington and courted Western oil companies.