The British were under orders from their Admiralty to order citizens of countries that were not at war with Britain to leave the Islands.
The mayors of two Peruvian cities, Iquitos and Tumbes, ordered citizens to deck city streets today with the red and white colors of Peru's flag.
Guo also sent secret messages to Chang'an, ordering citizens to strike gongs and shoot off fireworks.
It can order Soviet citizens to carry out specific intelligence-gathering missions about foreigners in the Soviet Union and to take positions in foreign embassies, and offices.
The embassy suggested then that by ordering Israeli citizens to testify, Mr. Walsh had violated an agreement between Israel and Congress.
The tension was exacerbated by an extraordinary announcement on television Saturday night, ordering citizens to "stay at home to protect your lives."
Posters went up in some Colombo neighborhoods today ordering citizens to stay home from midnight tonight until Monday night.
Berlin officials ordered the former Gestapo headquarters demolished after the war, and citizens who excavated the basement for a museum in the late 1980's faced strong opposition.
President Mikhail S. Gorbachev of the Soviet Union ordered citizens in the breakaway Lithuanian republic yesterday to hand over their weapons to Soviet authorities.
And, again like the students, it has issued an official list of permitted slogans, ordering citizens to memorise 40 different chants to mark the 40th anniversary of communist rule.