The orchestra is seeking raises that far exceed the customary 5 percent to 6 percent increases of recent years.
By that calculation, the orchestra is seeking about $60 million.
In Munich the sound is denser, an indication that he has let the orchestra seek its own nature.
Interestingly the orchestra has always sought young players.
In large part, those orchestras were seeking expertise in contemporary and American programming like that Mr. Thomas has long demonstrated.
In conjunction with its 150th anniversary, to be celebrated in the 1992-93 season, the orchestra is seeking $75 million over five years.
In keeping with its "vision of inclusiveness," the orchestra has sought to develop future musicians and audience through an outreach program entitled "Audience Matters."
The Philharmonic contract requires that its musicians be paid throughout the year, even if no performances are scheduled, and the orchestra has been seeking a summer venue for some time.
The orchestra will seek a sponsor to replace Exxon.
He could not say how much the orchestra had sought, and obtained, from government sources.