An orchard owner pursues a beautiful woman who has lost all her wealth.
The most likely beneficiaries: orchard owners, who could lose a 20-year investment in a single parched growing season.
Custom apple pressing was done for local farmers, orchard owners and landowners who brought their apples to the Mill.
She was always right, and the orchard owner was sorry to lose her.
Using money that had been lavished upon her by the orchard owner, she settled into a small house in the bustling, overcrowded northern district.
As for fruit, orchard owners are sustaining less damage than truck farmers.
Q. Will the Alar scare affect the ability of orchard owners to sell their crops this fall?
Q. A lot of orchard owners have begun programs of integrated pest management.
These community mills allow orchard owners to avoid the capital, space, and maintenance requirements for having their own mill.
Many orchard owners said there are plenty of apples, but the lack of rain this summer caused the fruit to be smaller.