The tech came aboard the shuttle as the Russian woman led them away and into the orbital complex.
Stoner could see him mentally, hunched intently in his chair at the control center, staring angrily into the display screens that showed every corner of the orbital complex.
"We're still in the orbital complex."
Such woes prompt comparisons with an earlier orbital complex, one that most Americans have probably forgotten.
She had met him on her first flight to the new orbital complex, the day after her last night with Ben.
During their four-month stay, the crew saw the orbital complex expand and research work grow.
The Russian contribution is vital for life support as well as stability and propulsion, keeping the orbital complex from tumbling out of control or falling back to Earth.
The mishap appeared to set back the Soviet Union's program to develop a permanently manned orbital complex.
At about that time, the orbital complex broke apart and several of Mirs elements, surrounded by the plasma, were visible from Fiji against the evening sky.
In the course of operations on the orbital complex the crew carried out the station activation.