He believed that they originated in a cloud orbiting far beyond the orbit of Pluto.
Astronomers hoped that these cameras, orbiting far above the Earth's murky light-distorting atmosphere, would collect light coming from near the edge of the universe and thus near the beginning of time.
This theory is less applicable to Iapetus, which orbits far beyond the rings.
The debris orbited far beyond the outermost world; at intervals some random chunk of primordial detritus would follow a long, elliptical path near enough to the star to blaze into a comet.
Further in toward the Sun, there were the Kuiper objects, like Port Sol; icy worldlets, orbiting not far outside the widest planetary orbits.
Legions of their fellow strandsharers orbited far in space beyond the Cosmic Circle.
Orbiting far above Earth's obscuring atmosphere, it has sent back the clearest and deepest images of the universe ever seen.
Because satellites orbit far above the Earth, their footprint, or service area, covers nearly every part of the United States, providing instant, ubiquitous and reliable coverage.
Sisko jerked back from the glare, even though he knew they were orbiting far above the planet's stratosphere.
According to the Dutch astronomer Jan Oort, the eponymous cloud is composed of material orbiting a sun far beyond the orbit of its outermost planet.