As a preacher, "Father Taylor" became known for his exceptional oratorical abilities.
Mott's oratorical ability was rare for this era during which women were often not allowed to speak in public.
He was called the "Polish Bossuet" because of his oratorical abilities.
Jones's elementary schooling was sketchy by modern standards, but the boy early exhibited a quick mind and oratorical ability.
"I don't love you for your oratorical abilities."
His personality seems to have been particularly magnetic and contemporary sources are united in their praise of his oratorical ability.
The northern press praised Revels for his oratorical abilities.
"Are we having some doubts about our oratorical ability, dear?"
Fedele achieved fame through her writing and oratorical abilities.
The tall redhead early manifested oratorical abilities and considered a career in the theater but instead turned to teaching.