I think a great many people would not want to see the orange roof of a Howard Johnson's in town.
Unfortunately, the orange roof with the Simple Simon logo has all but disappeared.
Derisive cheers under an orange roof were the latest sign that more than a few people are enjoying the struggle of the defending champions.
As of 2007, the museum was painted orange, with an orange tiled roof.
I further suspected they came from the huge hacienda with the acre or so of orange tiled roof.
There was some activity at the motel next door with the orange roof, and the guests didn't exactly look like tourists or truckers.
The two-level glass-and-steel complex with the orange roof is located on the north bank of the St. Johns River.
One by one, the orange roofs disappeared.
The stadium has had a roof for more than a year, a great orange roof with 200,000 square feet of fabric.
These were easy to spot from the air, given that they had bright orange roofs, each of which was numbered.