Usually color changes just mean that there is more or less of the yellow/green/brown/orange pigments that are picked up along the way.
"The orange pigment in the blood - it's probably iron-based," said Raji.
The color of pumpkins is derived from the orange pigments abundant in them.
Or maybe just the way the Hjort was decorated with fleshy daubs of orange pigment.
Paul Cezanne did not use orange pigment, but created his own oranges with touches of yellow, red and ochre against a blue background.
Gold strains are those which tend to reveal underlying yellow and orange pigments as they mature.
Tangerine morphs have an orange pigment on part of their body, typically the head and/or tail.
An orange pigment, it is responsible for the bluing reaction seen in many bolete mushrooms when they are injured.
The capitals are filled with pink and orange pigment.
Carotene is an orange photosynthetic pigment important for photosynthesis.