But before the words had left her mouth, the jock tripped over Winnie's jingle bell boots and spilled the watery, orange goo all over the floor.
Sweet perfume filled the air as reddish spheroids exploded, spewing stringy, orange goo all over.
Grateful for the familiarity of the California roll, Chia ate everything except the one with the orange sea-urchin goo on top.
Since the substance was unknown, city officials cautioned residents to keep children away from the orange goo and for residents to boil their water before drinking it.
Within seconds, all that remained of Sovak was a flattened puddle of orange goo.
Quickly bored, he headed back toward the painting area, stopping briefly at a play station that featured globby orange goo.
But, just as the Conqueror reached out for the handle, he slipped in the orange goo that was the remains of his partner.
The sudden appearance of orange goo at an Inuit village in northwest Alaska has left experts baffled.
It is also the cause of the orange goo that covered the Inupiat village of Kivalina, Alaska in the summer of 2011.
Your buddy here was about to be turned into orange goo.