He pleaded guilty to charges of lewd and lascivious conduct, oral copulation with a person under 14 and procuring a child for pornography.
The prosecution spent 14 months presenting testimony from 61 witnesses, including nine children who claimed they had been raped, sodomized or forced to have oral copulation.
Molestation, sodomy, oral copulation, lewd and lascivious acts with a child.
The prosecuting attorney asked Hyans: "Would you object to oral copulation on the steps of the City Hall?"
You shudda said, "I'd prefer for oral copulation to go on inside the City Hall where it usually does."
"Sexual intercourse and oral copulation," says Frost.
I can't say for certain there wasn't oral copulation.
The sexual penetration and oral copulation.
In October 2000, the jury convicted Minsky of multiple charges of rape, oral copulation, and grand theft.
He was charged with six counts of a lewd act on a child and two counts of oral copulation of a person under 16.