The film used a very large cast, opulent sets, and lavish costumes.
The Hippodrome featured lavish spectacles complete with circus animals, diving horses, opulent sets, and 500-member choruses.
Balanchine's 1949 version of the frequently revived ballet made use of opulent sets and costumes created by Chagall for an earlier production for Ballet Theater.
His sets, opulent and even beautiful, often work against an opera's interests.
Large casts, opulent sets, prodigal costumes and abundant special effects are the rule here.
A regal "Ram's Head," crowned with an opulent set of horns, is also adorned with earrings made of graduated beads, each, close inspection shows, a cast of Ms. Pondick's head.
"Turandot," for example, showed crowds, jostling and heaving on opulent sets.
An opulent set was constructed for the movie just outside Victoria Falls.
Balanchine's "Firebird," with opulent sets and costumes by Marc Chagall, glows with magical choreography for its three leading characters.
Mr. Cossette said, speaking of one particularly opulent set in the Broadway version.