We went back to his big opulent office and the huge adjoining bedchamber only to find it empty.
Now he stood in his opulent office, high above the capital city, looking out at his most impressive view.
Ramsey nodded and walked with Mason Lord to the door of the opulent office.
He gestured around at the opulent office.
It couldn't, of course, and he lowered his hands once more to smile bitterly at the opulent office which surrounded him.
Christie's plans to open new, opulent offices at 9 Avenue Matignon sometime next spring.
There was subdued panic in the opulent soon-to-be-vacated office at the Treasury.
His eyes darted around his spacious and opulent office as though someone might be listening.
A1 Shea & Gould's opulent offices draw an unlikely heir.
I was in a plush and opulent office.