Yet these wildly optimistic projections form the basis for program planning.
That's bad news for developers who, with optimistic financial projections, started work on small office buildings a few years ago.
But if the President's more optimistic economic projections are used, the deficit is reduced to $108 billion.
We've lost the South for a generation, he is said to have lamented in what turned out to be an optimistic projection.
"But the analysts themselves came up with some overly optimistic projections."
The estimate also includes an extremely optimistic projection of the plan's total cost.
Not even the most optimistic projections think that can happen before 2050.
Moreover, notwithstanding optimistic projections of the future, today's America is a nation in debt.
Perhaps this time the optimistic projections will be correct, but there are still reasons for doubt.
Analysts said the budget was also based on several highly optimistic projections.