Despite the Bougainville crisis a general optimism prevailed over the long-term prospects for the mineral sector.
Such stubborn optimism prevails enough to drive Seal's songs, and it keeps the world's dance floors busy, too.
Despite the underlying pressures, year after year, optimism prevails.
I find it hard to believe that optimism can prevail considering the sorry state of this country that I live in.
And yet optimism prevails on the hurricane-ravaged beaches of the Florida Panhandle.
I sincerely hope, however, that your optimism will prevail and Egypt will move towards liberal democracy.
Instead of pessismism (which would have been understandable), a democratic optimism prevailed.
Today, however, optimism prevailed as politicians pledged to work together.
Still, a new optimism prevails in India, bordering at times on euphoria.
Even after the prisoners are harshly pushed into boxcars, a lingering optimism prevails.