Once an all fiber optics system is in place, it is a "no lose" situation.
They utilized a high-tech optics system to detect and observe enemies from miles away.
As of 2005 it has produced the highest resolution images on the Sun of any telescope, using its adaptive optics system.
The telescope has an adaptive optics system that compensates for atmospheric distortion.
They can be used as components in adaptive optics systems.
The researchers were largely confined to a room in the basement where the light from the telescope emerged after passing through the adaptive optics system.
The lens and the reflector, along with other beam-altering devices are both considered part of the optics system.
There are generally three different configurations of industrial laser cutting machines: moving material, hybrid, and flying optics systems.
It is an optics group complete symmetrical system after the former group.
It is a wavefront sensor commonly used in adaptive optics systems.